Tuesday 1 March 2011

Lee Yunwei ( The Leader )


My Introduction (Personal)
Hello Hello ! My name is Lee Yunwei . I'm 14 year old turning to 15 soon :) . My house is at The Tropical Condo . Cannot come in anyhow wan ah ! Hehe !!  My birthday is on 06-June-1996 . And I'm the only child in my family :)  I am a talkative person ,  sometimes I'm such a funny girl and love to make my Dear Sister laugh . I love to spent times with my Sister and Brother  that is Nur Zulifah , Nur Hidayah Rafi , Nur Zahirah , Sulfittri Ashriq , Kah Wai & Jia Xin .. They are my Family !! Not real wan , fake fake onli . Hehe !!

My Introduction ( Group )
I'm the Leader in this group . I try my best to be a responsible leader , I will try my best to put in effort in our IPW project, I will not give up so easily , I will make sure that our project will success!!! . I will also play a part in our project I will help out anything so that we can finish this project faster and successfully :)

Email Address : leeyunwei@hotmail.sg

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